It is plainly taught in the scriptures that speaking with tongues was not an unusual occurrence in the early church. Every prominent account of conversions in the apostolic church either plainly states or else strongly implies that the convert did speak with other tongues upon being filled with the Spirit of God.
There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the First Coming of Jesus to the Earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His First Coming — but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies.
Today we are living just before the Second Coming of Jesus to the Earth. We don’t have 100 prophecies; we have closer to 1,000 yet the Scriptures tell us that most people will miss the Second Coming. Again, this will happen because people do not know the prophecies.
This Understanding the End Time series was designed to explain the prophecies of the end time in easy-to-understand terms. After viewing Understanding the End Time no one should miss the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
What would it take to convince you that Jesus will return to earth during your lifetime? Would three fulfilled prophecies do it? Would five? Seven? Nine? How many? Please indulge me for a few minutes while I briefly explain why I am absolutely convinced that Jesus will return to this earth during our generation.
Have you ever heard someone say, "Well, I should go to church, but there are so many different kinds, which teach so many different beliefs, that I would have no idea which one to attend." Why are there so many different "Christian" churches? Author's Note: Individuals are strongly discouraged from reading this material if they don't wish to know the absolute truth.
Some time ago, my attention was arrested by Hebrews 10:14 - "For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified." I immediately attempted to reconcile this statement from God's Word with what I viewed as the many imperfections in myself. Could it be that there are human beings on this earth that God considers perfect? All of my life, I have heard the statement "Nobody's perfect." But it appears that Hebrews 10:14 says the opposite - that if we are sanctified, we are perfect. In other words, the only qualification for this perfection is to be sanctified or "set apart."