Was Jesus the Messiah? Was He GOD? The name “Messiah” means “anointed one.” Most Jewish people do not believe Jesus was the Messiah. They are expecting the Messiah to come and bring peace, build their temple and rule from Jerusalem. Muslims view Jesus as a prophet but not as God. Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah and He came to Earth over 2,000 years ago. They also believe God came down in human form and will return for His bride, the church, very soon. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah and gave us signs of His Second Coming in Matthew 24 so people would not miss His return. There were also signs of His First Coming but the people of that day did not understand. In this video we will look at how Jesus fulfilled those prophecies and what to look for as we near His second return.
The Book of Revelation was written over 2,000 years ago. However, it was written for the people who live in the 21st century. Many people have claimed that no one can really understand the prophecies contained in this book. After viewing these lessons, you will discover that it is simply not true. The Book of Revelation was written for our time and you can now understand it!
Around 95 AD, the Apostle John was exiled onto a little island called Patmos. While there, God gave him visions of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth and the events that would precede this event. The visions have become known as the Book of Revelation.
Revelation has one overriding theme - “Behold, He Cometh!” It was written 2,000 years ago but was never understood by the people of that day. It was given by God for the people of the time of the end, which has now arrived.
The original Greek word translated Revelation is “apocalypsis” which also means the “revealing” or “unveiling”. The four different accounts of the unveiling of Jesus Christ contained in this book, the Book of Revelation, will be clearly explained in this series.
Revelation foretells four major belief systems will be struggling for the control of the hearts and minds of men during these last days. Those four belief systems will be revealed in this unprecedented series. The major nations that will be in power on the earth during the end time are prophesied. These nations which make up the powerbase of the Antichrist will be clearly proven.
The Book of Revelation was written over 2,000 years ago. However, it was written for the people who live in the 21st century. Many people have claimed that no one can really understand the prophecies contained in this book. After viewing these lessons, you will discover that it is simply not true. The Book of Revelation was written for our time and you can now understand it!
Around 95 AD, the Apostle John was exiled onto a little island called Patmos. While there, God gave him visions of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth and the events that would precede this event. The visions have become known as the Book of Revelation.
Revelation has one overriding theme - “Behold, He Cometh!” It was written 2,000 years ago but was never understood by the people of that day. It was given by God for the people of the time of the end, which has now arrived.
The original Greek word translated Revelation is “apocalypsis” which also means the “revealing” or “unveiling”. The four different accounts of the unveiling of Jesus Christ contained in this book, the Book of Revelation, will be clearly explained in this series.
Revelation foretells four major belief systems that will be struggling for the control of the hearts and minds of men during these last days. Those four belief systems will be revealed in this unprecedented series. The major nations that will be in power on the earth during the end time are prophesied. These nations which make up the power base of the Antichrist will be clearly proven.
Let's delve into the intriguing topic of the Two Witnesses mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Theories abound regarding their identity, ranging from Moses to Elijah and Enoch or even as a representation of the church. By examining the Bible, we find key passages that shed light on this enigmatic subject. These two will appear during the Great Tribulation possessing extraordinary powers, including the ability to prophesy, bring plagues upon the Earth and shut off the rain. They will ultimately be killed by the Antichrist. However, after 3 ½ days, they will experience a miraculous resurrection, ascending to Heaven in a cloud. Who are the these men? Discover more in our video, The Two Witnesses!
There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the First Coming of Jesus to the Earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His First Coming — but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies.
Today we are living just before the Second Coming of Jesus to the Earth. We don’t have 100 prophecies; we have closer to 1,000 yet the Scriptures tell us that most people will miss the Second Coming. Again, this will happen because people do not know the prophecies.
This Understanding the End Time series was designed to explain the prophecies of the end time in easy-to-understand terms. After viewing Understanding the End Time no one should miss the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the First Coming of Jesus to the Earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His First Coming — but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies.
Today we are living just before the Second Coming of Jesus to the Earth. We don’t have 100 prophecies; we have closer to 1,000 yet the Scriptures tell us that most people will miss the Second Coming. Again, this will happen because people do not know the prophecies.
This Understanding the End Time series was designed to explain the prophecies of the end time in easy-to-understand terms. After viewing Understanding the End Time no one should miss the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the First Coming of Jesus to the Earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His First Coming — but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies.
Today we are living just before the Second Coming of Jesus to the Earth. We don’t have 100 prophecies; we have closer to 1,000 yet the Scriptures tell us that most people will miss the Second Coming. Again, this will happen because people do not know the prophecies.
This Understanding the End Time series was designed to explain the prophecies of the end time in easy-to-understand terms. After viewing Understanding the End Time no one should miss the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
This is a study guide to the Understanding the End Time 14-DVD series, it includes outlines, quizzes and answers for each lesson.
Estimated Delivery: May 2023
Estimated Delivery: May 2023
Estimated Delivery: May 2023