The Second Coming of Jesus to Earth will be the capstone of all human history. This event is so important to the plan of God that He devoted the entire Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, to dramatize it. There are at least four accounts of the Second Coming in the Book of Revelation, each told from a different perspective. Since all the prophecies that will occur just before His return are coming to pass right now, every person on Earth should have a clear understanding of this exciting event. This lesson, The Second Coming, gives proof Jesus Christ will return soon! It will also help you understand each development as it occurs in preparation for His return.
Is the world ready for the Antichrist? What single cataclysmic event could catapult the people of the world into the arms of the man of sin and his one-world government? World War III will bring destruction beyond belief to the human race! According to the Bible, one person out of three on the Earth will die in this war of all wars! Entire nations will cease to exist! After this prophesied global holocaust, people will beg for a strong man from somewhere to lead the way out of the chaos and destruction and into peace and security. Such a man does exist and at the right moment, he will step onto the world scene. He will offer leadership and direction but his price will be absolute obedience. You will learn all about this in World War III.
One of the five greatest prophetic fulfillments in the last 2,000 years took place on November 3, 2009. Yet most people completely missed it! This prophecy reveals where the Antichrist and his religious partner, the False Prophet, will come from. The Holy Roman Empire was declared dead in 1806. However, this lesson gives absolute proof that it was reborn on November 3, 2009. Can the Antichrist and the False Prophet be far behind? The Holy Roman Empire Reborn gives proof that the power base of the Antichrist is now established and awaiting his arrival! A thorough understanding of the Holy Roman Empire prophecy is absolutely essential to an in-depth understanding of the prophecies in the end time.
The prophecies disclose that the nations of Jordan and Israel will never be controlled by the Antichrist. They also indicate that the U.S. will protect Israel from attack by the Antichrist all during the Great Tribulation. This lets us know that the U.S. will be opposed to the Antichrist during the time called the Great Tribulation. This lesson will reveal that it truly is America’s God-Given Destiny to help and protect Israel in the times just ahead.
When referring to Hitler's horrible Holocaust, the Jewish people say, "Never again!" They declare they will never again march off to concentration camps and gas chambers without resisting to their last breath. However, the Bible prophesies that another Jewish Holocaust lies just a few years ahead. The bad news is that many Jews will once again be slaughtered. The good news is that not one of them has to perish if they will only listen to the warning. Endtime Ministries is determined to inform every single Jewish person on earth about the coming holocaust, and to tell them what they must do to escape. "Another Jewish Holocaust Ahead" is a message of warning for the Jewish people. But it is not a message without hope. Not one Jewish person on earth needs to perish in the coming holocaust! In this lesson, you will learn the prophecy and will know what the Jewish people must do in order to escape.
Lesson 3 of the Salvation Series Jesus said that a person must be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God. In other words, we must be born again to be saved! Being born again is required to go up in the rapture! Yet most Christians can't explain what it means to be born again. In "Born Again - Three Steps," we teach in a clear, easy-to-understand language what it really means to be born again. When we understand what happens during the salvation experience, it enables us to comprehend the power that comes into our lives when we are born again. "Born Again - Three Steps" will enrich your relationship with Jesus Christ and will help you explain to others what it means to be "born again".
It’s time to look forward to the future. Get the Endtime Originals Bundle—a tool designed to help you find your purpose as we navigate the end times.
On December 23, 2016, the United Nations, with the approval of the Obama administration, passed a resolution that will inevitably lead the world into the Battle of Armageddon. It will not happen immediately but it is coming as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Armageddon will be the world's final war and that will be the time when Jesus Christ returns to earth to put down the governments of men and to establish His eternal Kingdom. First Step to Armageddon explains what happened on December 23, 2016 and illustrates why the events of that day will ultimately culminate into the final battle described in the Book of Revelation. Every person on earth should experience First Step to Armageddon since all of us are now on the road toward the final apocalyptic war.
How far away are we from the Battle of Armageddon and what will happen between now and then? The prophecies of the Bible clearly foretell the major events that will come to pass over the next few years. In the first lesson of this series, we give an overview of the major events that will occur from now until the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. After the overview, we explain each major prophecy in detail. We give the location of the prophecy, explain what it means and show how world conditions are presently converging for the fulfillment of that prophecy. God did not intend for His people to stumble blindly through the end times. These things are clearly described in this exciting series. The lessons in this series are as follows: Lesson 1 - Timeline of Events Lesson 2 - 6th Trumpet War Lesson 3 - Final 7 Years Lesson 4 - Israel's Third Temple Lesson 5 - Antichrist Revealed Lesson 6 - 666—The Mark! Lesson 7 - Armageddon Lesson 8 - World's Greatest Revival—Just Ahead!
Throughout history, we have looked to leaders' last words for inspiration and wisdom. There are many books listing clever and profound statements made by well-known individuals just before their passing. We felt it would be appropriate to go back through the last several months of Irvin Baxter’s life and capture his last words.
This is a limited-time offer and a collector's item of sorts. It includes Irvin’s final thoughts via his last sermon, conference, TV show and radio broadcast covering a variety of topics from spiritual gifts to America’s God-Given Destiny and of course, politics and religion. StipulationThe Bible prophesies a war that will kill one-third of all people on earth and that it will begin from the area of the Euphrates river. This will be the worst war the world has ever seen. Is the war we are in with Isis the beginning of this war prophesied in the Bible? Everyone has witnessed the horrors that have been executed by Isis but not everyone is aware of the role Isis is playing in the end time. In this lesson, Irvin explains where Isis is found in the Bible and their role now.
The world is entering the time of more prophetic fulfillment than any other time period in mankind's history. Israel and the city of Jerusalem will be the epicenter of these fulfillments during the years from now until Armageddon. The scriptures tell us that the sons of Issachar were men who had the understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do. It has never been more critical for Israel to understand the times, in order to know what she should do. That understanding is contained in this lesson—Israel's Future According to Bible Prophecy.