Many of us are very concerned about the direction of our country, the United States of America. Some are predicting its demise. I’m happy to announce there is hope for the future of our nation we love so much. The United States and its special role in the future is specifically prophesied about in the Bible.
Prophecies given over 2,000 years ago describe this and so we can know what is coming and what we should do. I Chronicles 12:32 says, “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.”
The prophecies disclose that the nations of Jordan and Israel will never be controlled by the Antichrist. They also indicate that the U.S. will protect Israel from attack by the Antichrist all during the Great Tribulation. This lets us know that the U.S. will be opposed to the Antichrist during the time called the Great Tribulation. This is wonderful news!
We also know from the prophecies that there is another Jewish holocaust coming. However, all Jews who heed the warning of the prophecies will escape. Much of the coming persecution against the Jews will take place in Europe–the future powerbase of the Antichrist. All 1.6 million Jews will need to leave Europe before the Antichrist obtains total control there.
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Your support goes directly towards the day-to-day operations and advancing the vision of Endtime Ministries.
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If we are on the brink of the final seven years, what should Christians be doing? We should be like a coiled spring ready for the greatest dash to the finish line and the second coming of Jesus! We should be poised for the greatest effort in the history of the world to reach every person on earth with the gospel before it is too late! With God’s help, that’s exactly what Endtime Ministries intends to do.
Here’s our plan:
» Teach the prophecies of the end time on television in Israel and around the world. This is being done at this present time.
» Maintain the property for the Jerusalem Prophecy College in downtown Jerusalem so the people of Israel can know what is coming and what they will soon live through. Four thousand square feet was purchased in downtown Jerusalem in September of 2013.
» Open the Jerusalem Prophecy College–A prophecy conference was held on November 2, 2013, in downtown Jerusalem. Our subject was “Israel’s Future…According the Bible Prophecy.” There were about 250 in attendance, eighty percent of which were Jewish. We signed up over twenty for the college that night. The effort to enroll Jews in Jerusalem is an ongoing effort.
» When the prophesied peace agreement is signed, we intend to send an Endtime magazine to every home in Israel, some 2.27 million of them. The magazine will inform the people of Israel that the final seven years just began, what they can expect over the next seven years, and, most importantly, what they should do about it. This magazine will be published in both Hebrew and English so that everyone in Israel will be able to read the critical message. We believe this mailing will awaken the nation of Israel to the urgency of the times.
» When an Endtime magazine is sent to every home in Israel announcing that the final seven years just began, this will inevitably become world news. We expect to be on interviews with CNN, Fox News and all of the major media outlets. This will give us the opportunity to announce to the world that the final seven years just began and to teach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” What a privilege to be involved in what God is doing in the earth!
» We plan to convert End of the Age into a daily show for web, radio, and TV. We have felt like God was leading us to take this step for a long time. When we send a magazine to every home in Israel and when we announce to the world that the final seven years just began, our phones will ring off the hook and our email inboxes will be full! The people of the world will need answers like never before! We want to be broadcasting and televising to the world every day. That makes the need to own this building so urgent!
I talked to God about all these things that I felt he had put in my heart. I said, “God, our partners have given so generously for the college and for the Israel project. I hate to bring all these other things before them. They’ll think we’re just after money.” It seemed that God spoke back to me: “My people love me and they love my cause. If you will explain the vision to them, they will respond.
So at the danger of being misunderstood, I present these critical needs to you. Time is of essence! We will only get one chance to be used of God at these prophetic crossroads. If God has blessed you so that can, please give the best gift possible at this time. If you can’t give, I completely understand. But, I know this…you can pray!
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Never again! These are the words that come to mind when we think of the six million Jews that were marched off to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. When Hitler’s Holocaust comes up in discussion inevitably we hear the words—never again! However, Jesus prophesied that another Jewish Holocaust is coming. He said it would take place in the West Bank or what has been referred to as the occupied territories. In the prophecy, Jesus spoke of it by its biblical name, Judea.
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Was Jesus the Messiah? Was He GOD? The name “Messiah” means “anointed one.” Most Jewish people do not believe Jesus was the Messiah. They are expecting the Messiah to come and bring peace, build their temple and rule from Jerusalem. Muslims view Jesus as a prophet but not as God. Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah and He came to Earth over 2,000 years ago. They also believe God came down in human form and will return for His bride, the church, very soon. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah and gave us signs of His Second Coming in Matthew 24 so people would not miss His return. There were also signs of His First Coming but the people of that day did not understand. In this video we will look at how Jesus fulfilled those prophecies and what to look for as we near His second return.
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Haifa’s Rambam Hospital is the world's largest and most advanced underground hospital. The 2,000-bed underground hospital has been designed to protect patients and hospital staff in warlike conditions.
Haifa is located at the western end of the Plain of Megiddo, the prophesied site of the Battle of Armageddon. Would the world’s largest underground hospital specifically designed for use in time of war actually become the hospital to which the wounded of the Battle of Armageddon would be brought? It is obvious to us that the answer to this question is undoubtedly “yes”.
Israel's Colossal Underground Hospital is rushing to ready itself for a possible second front opening up with Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon.
Amongst other things, finances are desperately needed to help support Rambam Hospital.
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Matthew 24 is the most famous prophecy chapter in the entire Bible.
In this chapter, Jesus prophesies on the Mount of Olives that an event would occur called the Abomination of Desolation.
He said when this happens, Jews living in Judea will have to run for their lives. In fact, it will be so urgent that if you are out on your deck, don’t even go in to pack your belongings. Hit the ground running because, “ ... then will be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world … nor ever again shall be."
Now, this is Jesus speaking. We are in Matthew 24 — the New Testament. The Jewish people do not study this text and most don’t know it even exists. They don’t understand. The Jews will be blindsided when this prophecy occurs.
At Endtime, we believe that God has made this part of our purpose
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Join the “WHAT'S GOING ON?” campaign to respond to the world’s confusion with a message of hope — the assurance of His return is drawing closer. This campaign is not just about spreading the word; it’s about fortifying our digital presence against censorship. Big tech and mainstream media are increasingly silencing Christian voices and our response is the development of Endtime+, our own streaming platform. Your contributions have been instrumental in its growth and your continued support is vital as we enhance it with high-quality, faith-affirming content. We’ve set an ambitious goal to raise $500,000 for this campaign, which will allow us to innovate, educate and transform lives through the Gospel message. Can we count on your support to make this vision a reality?
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